The first product I used was the Dove dry shampoo based off the recommendation of GlamLifeGuru on YouTube. It doesn't have a bad smell, is super affordable, and it really works. But never content to have something just work fine I opted for a more expensive alternative. It happened really quite whimsically; I was running errands and itching to get a few items from Ulta, so I thought I'd search around for a dry shampoo. Well my first mistake was not doing some research beforehand. I walked around aimlessly looking for suitable options and trying to avoid any two-digit price with a 2 in front of it. Honestly, $20+ for a dry shampoo is silly, especially when the Dove dry shampoo is something like $3. Eventually an Ulta rep came over to ask me for help. I told her what I was looking for and she proceeded to look through the aisles with no more knowledge about the products than I possessed just minutes prior. Quite frankly I think she just picked up the first one she saw, and that was Big Sexy Hair Volumizing Dry Shampoo.

It smells awful.
Not only did it smell awful but it turned my hair into straw. All the effort I put into moisturizing my hair the days that I do clean it is completely gone with one spray of this stuff. It was like straw. And while it did volumize I felt like all I could do with it was put it in a bun and go about my day. I don't want to be limited to just wearing a ponytail or pulling my hair back similarly just because it's a dry shampoo day, and that really irritated me about the product.
But I didn't want to dismiss it after just once use so I decided to wait and use it again. That second time happened to be this morning, and sadly my opinion hasn't changed. While the straw hair feeling does diminish somewhat, my hair is still crunchy and dry; I don't even want to try to smell it.
I don't often return beauty purchases because I don't often spend too much money on them, but for $17.95 I think I'll return this and get my money back. My Dove dry shampoo will have to suffice for now until I find something better, but it's clear I need to do some research before I go back to the store to pick one up. And perhaps I'll avoid Ulta next time and head straight for Sephora, where I know the reps are much more knowledgable about their products.
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